Impression and hope to Customers!
Satisfied synthetic travel service to customers High profits to stockholders Value of joining to employees
Contributing to economic development in society Grow as Universal Travel Service Group.
Contributing to economic development in society Grow as Universal Travel Service Group.
Core Competency!
Creating Customer-oriented Value
Creating Customer-oriented Value
Promise to make clients happy, moved, and satisfied! BLUESKY has made and kept The Promise for Customer Satisfaction shared by all employees. The Promise for Customer Satisfaction Make Customers Happy! We will treat customers as our families. Make Customers Moved! We will keep quality as a priority. Make Customers Satisfied! We will make all customers satisfied.
Organized and Qualified Training Program
Putting an emphasis on customer service, BLUESKY implements a mandatory training program to encourage all the employees to make their efforts for customer satisfaction. The program ranges from management process for customer service to training for every grade. The goal is to generate qualified employees in the age of globalization. We also provide a training program to employees of retail travel agencies in an effort to enhance the quality of service in the tourism industry as a whole.
Putting an emphasis on customer service, BLUESKY implements a mandatory training program to encourage all the employees to make their efforts for customer satisfaction. The program ranges from management process for customer service to training for every grade. The goal is to generate qualified employees in the age of globalization. We also provide a training program to employees of retail travel agencies in an effort to enhance the quality of service in the tourism industry as a whole.